Forest City Volleyball Club awards are presented annually at the end of the competitive season. Award recipients are selected by their coaches and/or peers. We are proud to celebrate the achievements of our competitive team athletes.

Past annual award recipients can be found in our News stories archive.

OVA Award of Excellence

The Award of Excellence medal is awarded annually to one member of every team participating in the OVA Provincial Championships. Coaches may choose to recognize an athlete that displays one or more of the following characteristics in their performance in the tournament - often named the OVA Champs MVP:

  • Dedication to the sport of volleyball
  • Perseverance and commitment
  • Sportsmanship and fair play, team spirit and/or leadership
  • Performance and/or most improved

FCVC Award of Excellence

The player selected has pursued excellence and has developed into the team's most outstanding player for the season.

FCVC Award of Achievement

The player selected has demonstrated strong effort and has show the most significant improvement this season.

Good Sport Team Award

The player selected has made significant contributions to their team through personal commitment, dedication, and spirit.  Best Team Spirit award (formerly the Nothers Team Award.


Jane and Vaughan Peckham Scholarship Award

This award is presented to FC grads who have had an exceptional rookie year of varsity volleyball. The $500 scholarship award is available to any FC grad who is playing varsity volleyball at a university or college in Canada. Athletes can apply for the scholarship at the end of their first year of post secondary education.  Annually, a committee of senior FC members selects the winner (up to two athletes each year) from the list of applicants.

History of the Jane and Vaughan Peckham Scholarship

In 2005, the City of London hosted the World Transplant Games. FCVC founders and coaches, Vaughan and Jane Peckham were chosen to be “Sports Leaders, Volleyball” for these games. Using their connections in the London volleyball community, and beyond, the Peckhams were able to recruit a team of volunteers to organize and welcome international athletes to London to meet and compete with other transplant recipients and donors. As a result of the success of the games, World Transplant Games made a contribution of $10,000 to FCVC.  Our FCVC board of directors unanimously agreed to reinvest the funds to support our community and to recognize FCVC graduates who excelled in their first year of university or college varsity volleyball.

This legacy continues to recognize FC athletes and their contributions to volleyball beyond their club experience.

Past winners include:

2010 - TJ Saunders, Kristina Grail

2011 – Justin Scapinello, Allison Peters

2012 - Shelby Charlton, Josh Butler

2013 - Amelia Grail, Kyle Richards

2014 - Maddie DeDecker

2015 - Courtney Sestric

2016 - Michelle Chelladurai

2017 - Matt Baxter

2018 - Ashlyn Kadlecik

2019 - Evan Falardeau, Marissa Smith

2020, 2021 and 2022 - not awarded due to incomplete/ cancelled competitive season

2023 - Andrew Kerkhoff, Payton Entwistle

2024 - Jared Kuiken